Miss A's Min with GOT7's Bambam
JYP Nation were in Hong Kong this weekend for the next stop of their One Mic Tour. As many of you already know, Hong Kong is Jackson's hometown so GOT7 were so excited to go there. Whilst waiting backstage, JYP family took selcas together and uploaded them onto their Instagram and Weibo pages. JB dressed up as OKCAT, GOT7 met some of Jackson's old friends and Bambam took pictures with almost everyone! Scroll down to view the photos.
Miss A's Jia updates her Weibo page with Jackson
Sunmi with GOT7 Yugyeom
Caption: 고마운 유겨미 쪼꼬미 나는 이선미 #jypnation #jyp #유겸 #got7
Caption: #Snakesnake #jimjim
2AM's Jo kwon with GOT7 Mark & Miss A's Min
Caption: #JYPNation @therealminnn @mark_tuan
BamBam shared a picture of him and Mark on his IG page
#GOT7 Bambam's IG post with 2PM's Nichkhun
Caption: "

JB dresses as OKCAT and does B-Boy moves
Jackson and his fencing friend
Caption: "good show proud of you man
" (cr.hotinlow)

JB's Instagram post backstage
Henry (Jackson's friend) shared a pic of him,Jr and JB.
Caption: "nice to see you guys in person" cr. Henrycckuen
Jo Kwon shared a picture of JYP Nation on his IG Caption: ''#JYPNation #HongKong Bye bye~~Thank you so much!

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